zondag 23 maart 2025 - 16:00 - 19:00
Filmvertoning van Desova en een discussie over mensenrechten en gedwongen verdwijningen met een Braziliaanse delegatie die de film in verschillende Europese steden zal presenteren.
Het succes van de Braziliaanse film I’m Still Here (Ainda estou aqui) bij de Academy Awards van 2025 heeft internationale aandacht gevestigd op de gedwongen verdwijningen van mensen tijdens de bedrijfs-militaire dictatuur in Brazilië (1964-1985). Tot op de dag van vandaag blijven door de staat gesteund geweld en het uitblijven van gerechtigheid voor de daders talloze levens eisen. De meest getroffen groepen zijn zwarte en arme gemeenschappen uit de favela’s en stedelijke periferieën, die al kwetsbaar zijn door sociale ongelijkheid en staatsverwaarlozing.
Deze realiteit wordt belicht in de documentaire Desova (2023), geregisseerd door Laís Dantas, geproduceerd door Quiprocó Filmes en gepresenteerd door een Braziliaanse delegatie. De delegatie bestaat uit leden van het maatschappelijke netwerk Fórum Grita Baixada (FGB) in samenwerking met het onderzoekscentrum Observatório Fluminense van de Federale Landbouwuniversiteit van Rio de Janeiro (UFRRJ).
Na de filmvertoning volgt een discussie met het publiek en de Braziliaanse delegatie.
Desova zal tussen 12 en 24 maart 2025 worden gepresenteerd door een Braziliaanse delegatie in Frankfurt, Dresden, Berlijn, Keulen, Aken, Brussel en Gent.
Meer info en contactpersoon: Allan Queiroz (allan.souzaqueiroz@ugent.be).
Cinédebate ‘Desova’ (Brazil)
Film screening of Desova and a discussion about human rights and forced disappearances with a Brazilian delegation that will present the film in various European cities.
The success of the Brazilian film I’m Still Here (Ainda estou aqui) at the 2025 Academy Awards has drawn international attention to the forced disappearances of people during the corporate-military dictatorship in Brazil (1964-1985). Even today, state-sponsored violence and the lack of justice for the perpetrators continue to claim countless lives. Those most affected are Black and poor communities from the favelas and urban peripheries, who are already at risk due to social inequality and state neglect.
This reality is depicted in the documentary Desova (2023), directed by Laís Dantas, produced by Quiprocó Filmes and presented by a Brazilian delegation. The delegation consists of members of the civil society network Fórum Grita Baixada (FGB) in collaboration with the research centre Observatório Fluminense at the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRRJ).
The screening will be followed by a discussion with the audience and the Brazilian delegation.
The delegation is particularly interested in making it clear to the international audience that enforced disappearances in Brazil are closely linked to police violence and organised crime, especially in peripheral areas such as the Baixada Fluminense. In contrast to historical cases in Europe, where enforced disappearances were state policy under dictatorial regimes, in Brazil they occur in a democratic context – but with systemic impunity and lack of accountability. Many of the victims are young black men from poor peripheries, reinforcing racism and social inequality. To demand justice and institutional responses, victims’ families, especially mothers, have come together in support networks. However, Brazil still lacks a standardised national database of missing people and forensic investigations are often unreliable due to political interference. The Desova screenings aim to shed light on these issues and promote international solidarity in the fight against human rights violations.
Desova will be presented by a Brazilian delegation in Frankfurt, Dresden, Berlin, Cologne, Aachen, Brussels and Ghent between 12 and 24 March 2025.
More info and contact person: Allan Queiroz (allan.souzaqueiroz@ugent.be).